Exercises to reduce waist and burn abdominal fat

Combining aerobic training with strength exercises located in the abdomen will help you reduce waist and abdominal fat in 3 months

Exercises to reduce waist and burn abdominal fat
Combining aerobic training with strength exercises located in the abdomen will help you reduce waist and abdominal fat in 3 months, yes, it is not 3 weeks or two days, but in Objective Wellness we do not promise unfeasible results in reduced times, however, yes You will find the necessary answers to achieve the desired results with perseverance, patience and dedication. That's why we tell you the exercises necessary to reduce the waist and eliminate those machines that sometimes dislike or dislike us so much in the belly area.

With a training routine of 3 days a week, plus an active rest the rest of the days, it is possible to burn fat while increasing muscle tone to get a flat stomach. 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise should be performed such as running or pedaling on an exercise bike or elliptical or combined with the rope, for example, then 30 minutes of strength exercise will be performed to work the abdomen and large muscle groups.
Exercises to reduce waist and burn abdominal fat

All exercise sessions should also include a series of plates, the exercise of star strength to tone the abdomen and reduce waist. Roberto Crespo, a personal trainer of Zagros Sports, recommends what exercises to activate the abdomen and achieve the objectives.

The purpose in the medium and long term will be to fully work the muscles of the abdomen and accelerate the metabolism to promote greater burning of calories and fat. Thus, prolonging the exercise over time will increase its effectiveness. On a psychological level, it requires a strong record, but noticing the results in about 12 weeks will be a strong incentive to continue the exercise.

30 seconds of ironing exercise every day

The iron is the most effective exercise to burn fat located in the abdominal area. Iron is made by placing the body in a horizontal position with respect to the ground, supporting the forearms and the tips of the feet. Keep your body straight by strongly activating the abdomen, lower back, buttocks, and legs. If in your execution it bothers the lumbar area or it is difficult to maintain the posture, you can rest your knees on the floor instead of the feet and when you stop bothering, go to the toes. The recommendation of Zagros Sports experts is to make 5 series of 30 seconds each, with a 30-second break between series.

The more you train, the longer you can hold the iron posture.

Exercises to reduce waist and burn abdominal fat
In addition to the basic iron parallel to the floor, you can change the position to increase the performance of the exercise. For example, by supporting the body only on one arm and one leg, vertically with respect to the ground, more intense and centered work is performed on the oblique abs.

Strength workout routine to activate the abdomen

    Squats: we know that you know this strength exercise, but it is important that you know that it is present in any routine burns fat by involving a large number of muscle groups. In order to do it correctly, the legs are shoulder-width apart, the act of sitting is imitated and the body is lowered to a 90-degree angle with the knees. To increase its intensity we can practice this exercise in isometric, that is, keeping the posture with the knees bent for 20-30 seconds.

Exercises to reduce waist and burn abdominal fat
Exercises to reduce waist and burn abdominal fat    Lounge or stride: it may seem one of the simplest, but we assure you that it requires a refined technique to avoid harming yourself. Standing, with the shoulders wide open, one leg moves forward to form a 90-degree angle with the knee while the body descends vertically. After a few seconds holding the posture, it returns to the initial position, making strength with quadriceps, buttocks, and abdominals, and the other leg is advanced. Always keep your back straight and your hip level.
    Deadweight: complete work of the core musculature or central area of ?? the body. An initial position is acquired with the legs wide open, keeping the knees slightly bent throughout the work. From here, a hip flexion or bow is made by bringing the arms to an intermediate point between the knees and ankles. You should always descend with your back straight to avoid injuries and ascend by making forces from the abdomen, where we want to focus on the effectiveness of the exercise.
    Climbers: they rest their hands on the ground and stretch their legs parallel to the ground, as if they were going to make iron, with their backs straight. From this initial position, they bring the knees to the chest alternately, one at a time. The movement is maintained for 1 minute without altering the rhythm.
     Burpees: it is the most complete and intense exercise. Together with all the muscle groups involved, strong activation of the abdomen is performed. The sequence of movements to repeat for 1 minute without rest is as follows:
        1. An initial squatting position with hands on the floor and head up.
        2. The legs are moved backward with the feet together and a chest

Exercises to reduce waist and burn abdominal fat
            flexion or fundus is performed.
        3. The legs are collected returning to the initial position.
        4. He jumps his entire body and claps himself.

Each exercise to reduce waist and burn abdominal fat will repeat a total of 3 sets of 12 repetitions each, with a break of 30 seconds between sets and 60 seconds between each exercise. Although in the first training sessions it is not recommended, from the second or third week of exercise the intensity of the circuit could be increased by introducing dumbbells or weights. In this way, the performance of the body will be increasing and the objectives set will be reached before.

“On active rest days, on days we will not do strength exercises, we can choose to jog, ride a bike or swim for 30 to 60 minutes. Cardiovascular exercise of moderate-intensity that will keep our body active ”recommends the coach of Zagros Sports.

    Avoid foods that cause inflammation

Exercises to reduce waist and burn abdominal fat

To get a flat stomach and reduce your waistline, you should also follow a series of nutritional guidelines and that will sound obvious but that many times can seem very complicated. The most important of all is to reduce, or even completely suppress, those foods that cause inflammation and cause a bulging belly sensation. Examples include sugary products, refined carbohydrates, and soft drinks. Since these are also foods with high caloric content, reducing their intake will bring more than one benefit.

Instead, Exercises to reduce waist and burn abdominal fat, you should increase the consumption of "real food" little processed. “We talk mainly about vegetables, fruits, meats and fish, foods with a high nutritional value that will give us enough energy to complete our training”, defends Roberto Crespo. To this must be added the consumption of a minimum of 2.5 liters of water a day to promote the proper functioning of the body and muscles, which we will be testing day by day in training.
Exercises to reduce waist and burn abdominal fat Exercises to reduce waist and burn abdominal fat Reviewed by Health Tips on August 29, 2019 Rating: 5


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